+90 534 874 57 86

About us

Private CE Surgical Medical Center

Private CE Surgical Medical Center provides service with its distinguished physicians and expert staff. Our medical center has adopted a patient-oriented approach since the day it was founded. CE Medical Center, which closely follows the developments in medicine, uses the most up-to-date health technologies to ensure that you and your family receive quality and qualified health services in a warm and comfortable environment.

We know how important personalized treatment is in the fields of plastic surgery and hair transplantation, and we bring our patients from all over the world together with modern healthcare services.

Emergency service, neurosurgery, orthopedics and traumatology, physical therapy and rehabilitation, urology, anesthesiology and reanimation, medical biochemistry, infectious diseases and clinical microbiology, radiology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, internal medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, General surgery, child health and diseases, nutrition and dietetics are among the branches within Yeni Hayat Medical Center.


We aim to become a Healthcare Institution that constantly develops together with our employees and delivers Quality Healthcare Services to the majority of the society within the framework of healthcare understanding, taking on a leading role.


We continue to be a pioneer in introducing the majority of the society to quality healthcare services with advanced healthcare technology and facilities, without compromising medical ethical principles and respecting patient rights in all healthcare services we specialize in.


We value people, being reliable is indispensable. We make a difference in every service we offer. We believe in scientific approach and continuous improvement. We are an agile, goal-oriented team with a high determination for success. We are set as an example with our ethical principles and business ethics.


To ensure patient and employee satisfaction. To protect the rights of patients and their relatives, to inform and educate at every stage of treatment. Aiming for continuous measurement and improvement with the participation of all employees. To provide health services at an international level with professional staff. To work without compromising scientific, conscientious and ethical principles. To support continuous training and encourage employee participation in training. To provide quality service at an affordable cost.

Beylikdüzü, İstanbul - Turkey